It has been almost three years since our last post! In the meantime, COVID change our way of living. Going to an office, a cinema, a play, a conference or a workshop were not an option for a while, People communicated by phone or through the internet. However, what increased tremendously was our need for the outdoors, our need to walk or play outside, our connection to nature. The outdoors were relatively safe and we could walk, hike, explore, exercise or run freely outside. The parking lots of the trailheads and local parks were full. We realized even more clearly our need for green space and parks. The Seaton Trail was busy and people signed our petition to protect the Whitevale Marsh. Our group continued to meet on line, or at times face to face with masks, with politicians. We met with MPP Bethlenfalvy, former Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan and councillor Pickles. We were given some hope that there was something in the works to protect the marsh (see attached the letter from former...
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